jeudi 5 juin 2008

Ustadh Muhammad Said

Full Name:

Muhammad Said bin Muhammadi bin Baddi

Date and Place of birth:

1959 – Boutilimit

His studies:

Ustadh Muhammad Said finished memorising the Quran in 1969 at the age of 10 in Nabbaghiya.
He read a broad range of texts in Nabbaghiya, including The Alfiya of Ibn Malik in Arabic Grammar with the versed commentary The Turra of Ibn Bunan; The Turra of al-Hassan ibn Zeen on Lamiyat ul-Af’al of Ibn Malik; Turrat ul-Sullam (The Sullam of al-Akhdhari) in Mantiq, logic, by Mahnadh Bab, Ihmirar of Abd al-Salam on The Sullam of al-Akhdhari; The Mukhtasar of Shaykh Khalil in Maliki fiqh; Tuhfat ul-Hitam of Ibn ‘Assim; Al-Minhaj of al-Zaqaq in fundamentals of fiqh; Maraqi Saud in foundations of fiqh by Ibn Hajj Ibrahim; Murtaqa al-Usul of Ibn ‘Assim, ‘Uqud ul-Juman in ‘ilm ul-bayan by Imam Suyuti, Tul’at ul-Anwar in Mustalah al-Hadith by Ibn Hajj Ibrahim. He has also memorised collections of Jahiliya poetry.

What he teaches:

Ustadh Muhammad Said started to teach during the nineties in Nabbaghiya.
The main texts he teaches are Khalil, al-Rissalat of Ibn Abi Zaid, Ibnu ‘Ashor, Tuhfat ul-Hikam, Alfiya Ibn Malik, Maraqi Saud, Murtaqa al-Usul, Turrat ul-Sullam, Ihmirar ‘Abd ul-Salam and logic.

Ustadh Muhammad Said lives with his family in Nabbaghiya.

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